Monday, June 29, 2009

True Blood Episode 3

Episode 3 was bad ass, 5 out of 5 stars.
Here the link 3.

Monday, June 22, 2009

True Blood Episode 2

Just watched the new episode of True Blood, and it was good. Not that much nudity this episode, but the progression of the storyline will make want to watch next week episode right now. 5 out 5 stars.

Here the link for the episode: True Blood.

Monday, June 15, 2009

True Blood After Effect

Hey folks, I decided to try getting more people addicted to True Blood. So I going to review every week the new episode of True Blood and don't worry I am not going to give the plot or important details of the episode. I will rate the episode out of 5 stars and give a link to where the episode is streamed, considering the show is on HBO, and most people don't have the channel.

This is the season premiere of the second season, and I enjoyed it, at first the episode was slow, but it picks up and introduce some new characters and story lines. You will not see good amt of nudity until the last 10 minutes of the episode, but it’s worth it.

My first review, I give the episode a 4.5 out 5 stars.
Here the link, episode, the episode is streamed in two parts.

For new people who want to start watching, I suggest watching the first season, to understand the show and story lines.
Until next week, have a nice one.

In case the link doesn't work,

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Con After Effects

Hey folks, its been a while since my last post. The main reasons were that are I been busy and I forgot my log in for this blog.

Things have been boring, expect for going to ColossalCon 8, which was great. I worked security for the con, and that was an experience. I made some new friends and found that I can be attractive to the opposite sex. Can't wait for the con next year, what I learned from this year's con will make the next one even better.

Quick note, the con's Cosiplay was a rip off, I think the judges were high. Their decisions made no sense and the victim was Shy Guy.

Blog later and please comment.