After a post by Ryan, I am back. School and random bs of life have kept me busy. But I am back, and I feel like a sad panda. For all the people wondering why I am sad, life is making me sad. Just found out that a guy I know broke with his girlfriend, and he is crying right now. I feel stressed out a lot with all the classes and things I have to do. Life is kicking my ass right now, and I don't think I have the strength to fight back. It may sound like I am giving up, but I am just feeling stressed and cold right now. At the bottom of a bottle. Thinking why so much pain and suffering? What happened to the hatred and pain that kept the demon within me going? All that is left right now is sadden and pain. But like the phoenix, I will rise again and be back.
Now that I am have bared some of my soul, now to the summary of the week. I went to class, did some chores, watched some MMA, and got surprised by a friend dropping by on Saturday. I have to go to class in 7 and 1/2 hours, so blog later.
Please comment on the blog to help me improve it.
Keep you chin up petey, As long as you can persevere one more day you can keep going.