So today's blog is brought you by the letters BS or Bullshit. Most the people who read or skim this blog know I am in college and school is always sucked. It doesn't matter if it elementary or high school, they always will suck like a big hairy cock. Classes suck, missing my friends, broke, winter make me feel lonely, its cold, and bitch, bitch, bitch. Ryan would tell to stop bitching, but sometime you just need to vent. I am suppose to be eating healthy, but eating half of a large pizza and chessey bread is not good for you. Done with the bitching, and saw a new TV show on FOX called "Lie To Me", it stars the guy who played the bad guy from the recent Hulk movie. Its a funny show because the bad guy's character can tell if your lying or not by reading your face and body language.
Please comment, it helps me become a better blogger.
I'm enjoying your blog but please proof read your posts before you walk away from the computer. I'm seeing alot of easy grammar mistakes that could be fixed just by a quick once over.