The one thing you can count on in Ohio is that there is going to be a snowstorm at the worse time for a person. Just when you think the below freezing temperature isn’t bad enough; we get a snowstorm to make it hard to drive and live in Ohio. When a snow storm hits, everybody in school hopes for a snow day, and a luck few colleges like OSU, (Drew you lucky bastard), are given a day to rest and relax. But in Toledo our fates are unknown, because our president, (Dumbass Jacob), doesn't judge a snow day by how bad the roads are. No he judges if he feels like paying for salt and extra pay for the clean up crews. Last year, we got one or two snow days, which I didn't know about until I was up and had all ready showered. But here hoping for a snow day for Petey.
In some good news, my friend Ryan has called my blog a sleeper hit. Which I appreciate, check out his blog, Fuzzy Porcupine Paws .
Blog later.
Good work Petey. To be honest I spent the first half of this post thinking it was Shelly until I double checked the blog title. You've improved a great deal over the last few posts, and combined with consistent posting you will do well. I described you as the sleeper hit because despite your rough start I had a hunch you would be the most likely to stick with blogging. Given sufficient effort and time it is guaranteed your writing skills would greatly improve.